Laughing Stock

  1. If you wait long enough, you will get what you want. 
  2. Timing is everything.
  3. Experience is the best teacher and a losing trader is the best student. 
  4. A trader is right when he earns a profit, wrong when he loses and stupid if he cuts losses only to find the stock price rise beyond his imagination.
  5. The market has a way of shaking off those who have no convictions in their trade.
  6. Looking at a chart that breaks resistance after resistance for weeks on end, I muttered "Wow, this stock does not seem to stop rising." My three-year old daughter who was sitting on my lap, looked at me and remarked, "That is crazy. How does that happen Daddy?" I believe she will be a great trader someday.
  7. Ultimately, it is not volume but expectations that precede price.
  8. Patience is a virtue a Day Trader does not have.
  9. What is the difference between a sober trader and a drunk trader who both take a long position on a down market? The former is brave while the latter is foolishly brave.
  10. Life is like a stock market; it is full of ups and downs.
  11. Women and stocks are polar opposites. A cheap woman is not attractive but a cheap stock is.
  12. While checking on a stock chart, my three-year old daughter suddenly blurted out, "Up, down. Up, down. Up, down." Who says chart reading is hard?
  13. A good trader knows how to spell the word "volatility". It is M. O. N. E. Y.
  14. If the trend is your friend, then a trend reversal is my BFF.
  15. A fool is a trader on the opposite end of my winning bet.
  16. "You cannot win it 100% all the time." Says a Day Trader. 
  17. How do I pick a stock? Same with girls. The stock must be attractive.
  18. It does not matter to me whether I buy bluechip or bluecheap, as long as it earns money.
  19. When stocks fall, traders become prayerful.
  20. The DOW is down again. They better add the letter "N" to it.